Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Assignment 1

In Plato's Republic he divides people (society) into distinct categories aimed at creating a just society. Discuss the make-up of these categories and explain how each relates to the other categories and for what reason(s).

Also discuss Plato's views on a temperate state and individual and his views on an intemperate state and individual.

End your essay with a thoughtful and careful analysis of the value of Plato's thinking about the nature of people and their role in a just society and state.

Please note that all assignment essays must be typed (word processed), and checked for spelling and language. You must refer to the reading list, to lectures, and class discussions in your answer.

All late assignments will be penalized by 5 points per day, no exceptions.

ASSIGNMENT 1 DUE DATE: Hand in your assignment in class on Monday August 31.